When I travel, there is one bag that I always have with me. I call it my “travel emergency bag” and it contains the things that would be handy to have in a small emergency.

Now, I’m not doing surgery with any of these things, but if you need a band-aid, I’m your girl.

I don’t carry this around with me in my purse on a day to day basis because I usually don’t carry more than just my wallet and phone. However, every time I go on a trip – using any mode of transportation – I have this bag with me.

The bag I have been using recently for this (I do switch the bag every once in a while) is this cosmetic pouch from the Orla Kiely line for Target. I don’t think that Target carries these particular bags anymore, but you can use any small pouch that you might already have.

If you saw my post about my Disney park bag, a lot of these items will look familiar as items that were in my emergency pouch in that bag.

But for now, let’s get into what I actually have in this pouch.

So, that’s everything I have in my “Travel Emergency Bag”!  Is there anything that I’m missing that is a definite must-have for your emergency bag?  Let me know in the comments below!

If you want to see more about my emergency pouch and what’s inside, check out my YouTube video!