I thought this day would never come. I am finally packing for my first post-shutdown cruise – a seven-night cruise onboard the Harmony of the Seas out of Port Canaveral. Am I excited? You betcha. Am I for sure going to forget something? Also, yes.
Pre-“all of this”, I had everything together. My packing was like a well-oiled machine. I could have my lists together (shout out to my cruise planners available now on Amazon {affiliate link}) and packed in a matter of hours. Fast forward to now, I feel like I’m running around like a chicken with my head cut off not knowing where to start and what to pack. It also doesn’t help that I’m not usually a warm-weather destination cruiser. Give me a Northern European, Alaska (coming soon!), or Canada cruise and I know exactly what I would pack. It’s the shorts and bathing suits that are throwing me off (or at least that’s what I’m telling myself!).
What Did I Pack for the Harmony of the Seas?
If you’re looking for a basic, quick overview of what I packed for my cruise. I suggest heading over to YouTube and watching my packing video. It’s short and sweet and shows exactly what I packed and why.
If you want packing lists in paper form to look at, my previous version is on the blog here or you can purchase one of my cruise planners from Amazon {affiliate link}. The planner has enough lists and planning pages for four cruises!
Side Note: If you choose to download my previous version of packing lists, be sure to look them over and edit them to work for your travel style. Those are very outdated and I have made multiple changes in the past few years. Thanks!